<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.AccessDeniedException" /> class.</summary>
<param name="info">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo" /> object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.</param>
<param name="context">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext" /> object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.</param>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.AllocatedException" /> class.</summary>
<param name="info">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo" /> object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.</param>
<param name="context">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext" /> object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.</param>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BadFormatException" /> class.</summary>
<param name="info">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo" /> object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.</param>
<param name="context">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext" /> object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.</param>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BadSendBufferGuidException" /> class.</summary>
<param name="info">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo" /> object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.</param>
<param name="context">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext" /> object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.</param>
<summary>Occurs when the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer.Dispose" /> method is called or when the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer" /> object is finalized and collected by the garbage collector of the Microsoft® .NETcommon language runtime.</summary>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer" /> class.</summary>
<param name="lp">Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundBuffer8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed buffer class. Not supported.</param>
<param name="parent">A <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Device" /> object that represents the parent device to use with the buffer.</param>
<summary>Allows the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer" /> object to free resources before it is destroyed by the garbage collector.</summary>
<summary>This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<param name="objId">Object identifier.</param>
<returns>Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundBuffer8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer" /> class. Not supported.</returns>
<summary>Begin playing the sound buffer, starting at the play cursor.</summary>
<param name="priority">An integer that represents the Priority for the sound, used by the voice manager when assigning hardware mixing resources. The lowest priority is 0, and the highest priority is 0xFFFFFFFF. If the buffer was created with the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferCaps.LocationDefer" /> property set to false, this value must be 0.</param>
<param name="flags">One or more <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferPlayFlags" /> enumerated values.</param>
<summary>Reads the current data in the buffer.</summary>
<param name="bufferStartingLocation">An integer that represents the offet, in bytes, of where to begin reading from the buffer. This parameter is ignored if <see cref="F:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.LockFlag.LockFlag.FromWriteCursor" /> is specified in the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer.Read" /> parameter.</param>
<param name="returnedDataType">Value that indicates the <see cref="T:System.Type" /> of the returned array.</param>
<param name="flag">A <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.LockFlag" /> enumerated value that describes the type of lock to perform.</param>
<param name="ranks">Array of one to three <see cref="T:System.Int32" /> values that indicate the dimensions of the returning Array. The maximum number of <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer.Read" /> allowed is three.</param>
<returns>An <see cref="T:System.Array" /> of type returnDataType that contains the data read from the buffer.</returns>
<summary>Reads the current data in the buffer.</summary>
<param name="bufferStartingLocation">An integer that represents the offet, in bytes, of where to begin reading from the buffer. This parameter is ignored if <see cref="F:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.LockFlag.LockFlag.FromWriteCursor" /> is specified in the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer.Read" /> parameter.</param>
<param name="data">A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream" /> object that receives the data read from the buffer.</param>
<param name="numberBytesToRead">An integer that represents the number of bytes read into <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer.Read" /> from the buffer. The buffer is conceptually circular, so this number can exceed the number of bytes between <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer.Read" /> and the end of the buffer.</param>
<param name="flag">A <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.LockFlag" /> enumerated value that describes the type of lock to perform.</param>
<summary>Contains methods and properties used to retrieve and set parameters that describe the position, orientation, and environment of a sound buffer in 3-D space.</summary>
<summary>Occurs when the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer3D.Dispose" /> method is called or when the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer3D" /> object is finalized and collected by the garbage collector of the Microsoft® .NETcommon language runtime.</summary>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer3D" /> class.</summary>
<param name="lp">Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSound3DBuffer8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed buffer class. Not supported.</param>
<param name="buff">A <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object to associate with a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer3D" />.</param>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer3D" /> class.</summary>
<param name="lp">Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSound3DBuffer8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed buffer class. Not supported.</param>
<param name="buff">A <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer" /> object to associate with a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer3D" />.</param>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer3D" /> class.</summary>
<param name="lp">A <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object to associate with a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer3D" />.</param>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer3D" /> class.</summary>
<param name="lp">A <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer" /> object to associate with a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer3D" />.</param>
<summary>Allows the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer3D" /> object to free resources before it is destroyed by the garbage collector.</summary>
<summary>This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<param name="objId">Object identifier.</param>
<returns>Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSound3DBuffer8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer3D" /> class. Not supported.</returns>
<summary>Determines whether changes to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer3D" /> object are deferred or applied immediately.</summary>
<summary>Allows the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferDescription" /> object to free resources before it is destroyed by the garbage collector.</summary>
<summary>Specifies whether the buffer must use software memory and use software mixing, even if <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferDescription.StaticBuffer" /> is specified and hardware resources are available.</summary>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferLostException" /> class.</summary>
<param name="info">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo" /> object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.</param>
<param name="context">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext" /> object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.</param>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferTooSmallException" /> class.</summary>
<param name="info">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo" /> object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.</param>
<param name="context">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext" /> object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.</param>
<summary>Occurs when the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Capture.Dispose" /> method is called or when the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Capture" /> object is finalized and collected by the garbage collector of the Microsoft® .NETcommon language runtime.</summary>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Capture" /> class. This method supports the .NET Framework Infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.</summary>
<param name="lp">Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundCapture8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Capture.#ctor" /> class. Not supported.</param>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Capture" /> class using the Microsoft® DirectSound® capture device specified by its device globally unique identifier (GUID).</summary>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Capture" /> class using the default Microsoft® DirectSound® capture device.</summary>
<summary>Allows the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Capture" /> object to free resources before it is destroyed by the garbage collector.</summary>
<summary>This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<param name="objId">Object identifier.</param>
<returns>Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundCapture8 , which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Capture" /> class. Not supported.</returns>
<summary>Represents a Microsoft® DirectSound® capture effects object used to set and retrieve parameters on a capture buffer that supports acoustic echo cancellation. This object requires Microsoft® Windows® XP or later.</summary>
<summary>Occurs when the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureAcousticEchoCancellationEffect.Dispose" /> method is called or when the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureAcousticEchoCancellationEffect" /> object is finalized and collected by the garbage collector of the Microsoft® .NETcommon language runtime.</summary>
<summary>Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureAcousticEchoCancellationEffect" /> object.</summary>
<summary>Allows the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureAcousticEchoCancellationEffect" /> object to free resources before it is destroyed by the garbage collector.</summary>
<summary>This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<param name="objId">Object identifier.</param>
<returns>Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundCaptureFXAec8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureAcousticEchoCancellationEffect" /> class. Not supported.</returns>
<summary>Compares the current instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are the same.</summary>
<param name="left">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureAcousticEchoCancellationEffect" /> object to the left of the equality operator.</param>
<param name="right">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureAcousticEchoCancellationEffect" /> object to the right of the equality operator.</param>
<returns>Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.</returns>
<summary>Compares the current instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are different.</summary>
<param name="left">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureAcousticEchoCancellationEffect" /> object to the left of the equality operator.</param>
<param name="right">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureAcousticEchoCancellationEffect" /> object to the right of the equality operator.</param>
<returns>Returns true if the objects are different; otherwise, false.</returns>
<summary>Raises the <see cref="E:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureAcousticEchoCancellationEffect.Disposing" /> event when called from within a derived class.</summary>
<param name="i1">Invoking object reference; should be this object.</param>
<param name="i2">Arguments to pass to the event handler.</param>
<summary>Retrieves or sets capture acoustic echo cancellation parameters of a <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBuffer" /> object.</summary>
<summary>Occurs when the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBuffer.Dispose" /> method is called or when the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBuffer" /> object is finalized and collected by the garbage collector of the Microsoft® .NETcommon language runtime.</summary>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBuffer" /> class. This method supports the .NET Framework Infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.</summary>
<param name="lp">Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBuffer" /> class. Not supported.</param>
<param name="device">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Capture" /> object that represents the parent capture device to use with the capture buffer.</param>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBuffer" /> class.</summary>
<param name="desc">A <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBufferDescription" /> structure that describes the capture buffer to create.</param>
<param name="parent">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Capture" /> object that represents the parent capture device to use with the capture buffer.</param>
<summary>Allows the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBuffer" /> object to free resources before it is destroyed by the garbage collector.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the status of capture effects.</summary>
<param name="numEffects">The number of capture effects to retrieve.</param>
<returns>An array of values from the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureEffectsReturnValue" /> enumeration that describe the status of capture effects in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBuffer" /> object.</returns>
<summary>This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<param name="objId">Object identifier.</param>
<returns>Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBuffer" /> class. Not supported.</returns>
<summary>Retrieves a capture effect object associated with the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBuffer" /> object.</summary>
<param name="guidObject">Unique class identifier of the object being searched for, such as <see cref="F:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.DSoundHelper.CaptureEffectsMsAcousticEchoCancellation" />.</param>
<param name="index">Index of the capture effect to retrieve from the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBuffer" /> object.</param>
<param name="guidInterface">Unique identifier of the desired interface, such as <see cref="F:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.DSoundHelper.InterfaceCaptureEffectsAcousticEchoCancellation" />.</param>
<returns>A capture effect used by the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBuffer" /> object.</returns>
<summary>Reads current data in the capture buffer.</summary>
<param name="bufferStartingLocation">An integer that represents the offet, in bytes, of where to begin reading from the capture buffer. This parameter is ignored if <see cref="F:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.LockFlag.LockFlag.FromWriteCursor" /> is specified in the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBuffer.Read" /> parameter.</param>
<param name="returnedDataType">Value that indicates the <see cref="T:System.Type" /> of the returned array.</param>
<param name="flag">A <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.LockFlag" /> enumerated value that describes the type of lock to perform.</param>
<param name="ranks">Array of one to three <see cref="T:System.Int32" /> values that indicate the dimensions of the returning Array. The maximum number of <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBuffer.Read" /> allowed is three.</param>
<returns>An <see cref="T:System.Array" /> of type <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBuffer.Read" /> that contains the data read from the buffer.</returns>
<summary>Reads current data in the capture buffer.</summary>
<param name="bufferStartingLocation">An integer that represents the offet, in bytes, of where to begin reading from the capture buffer. This parameter is ignored if <see cref="F:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.LockFlag.LockFlag.FromWriteCursor" /> is specified in the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBuffer.Read" /> parameter.</param>
<param name="data">A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream" /> object that receives the data read from the capture buffer.</param>
<param name="numberBytesToRead">An integer that represents the number of bytes read into <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBuffer.Read" /> from the buffer. The buffer is conceptually circular, so this number can exceed the number of bytes between <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBuffer.Read" /> and the end of the buffer.</param>
<param name="flag">A <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.LockFlag" /> enumerated value that describes the type of lock to perform.</param>
<summary>Begins capturing data into the buffer.</summary>
<param name="looping">Set to true if, after the end of the buffer is reached, capture restarts at the beginning and continues until explicitly stopped; otherwise, false.</param>
<summary>Represents a collection of <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.DeviceInformation" /> structures for each available capture device.</summary>
<summary>Advances to the next <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.DeviceInformation" /> structure in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureDevicesCollection" /> object.</summary>
<returns>Returns true if the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureDevicesCollection" /> object was successfully advanced, and false if the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureDevicesCollection" /> object has passed the end of the collection.</returns>
<summary>Gets the number of <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.DeviceInformation" /> structures in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureDevicesCollection" /> object.</summary>
<summary>Gets the current element from the enumeration of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureDevicesCollection" /> object.</summary>
<summary>Represents a Microsoft® DirectSound® capture effects object used to set and retrieve parameters on a capture buffer that supports noise suppression. This object requires Microsoft Windows XP or later.</summary>
<summary>Occurs when the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureNoiseSuppressEffect.Dispose" /> method is called or when the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureNoiseSuppressEffect" /> object is finalized and collected by the garbage collector of the Microsoft® .NETcommon language runtime.</summary>
<summary>Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureNoiseSuppressEffect" /> object.</summary>
<summary>Allows the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureNoiseSuppressEffect" /> object to free resources before it is destroyed by the garbage collector.</summary>
<summary>This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<param name="objId">Object identifier.</param>
<returns>Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundCaptureFXNoiseSuppress8 , which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureNoiseSuppressEffect" /> class. Not supported.</returns>
<summary>Compares the current instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are the same.</summary>
<param name="left">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureNoiseSuppressEffect" /> object to the left of the equality operator.</param>
<param name="right">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureNoiseSuppressEffect" /> object to the right of the equality operator.</param>
<returns>Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.</returns>
<summary>Compares the current instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are different.</summary>
<param name="left">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureNoiseSuppressEffect" /> object to the left of the equality operator.</param>
<param name="right">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureNoiseSuppressEffect" /> object to the right of the equality operator.</param>
<returns>Returns true if the objects are different; otherwise, false.</returns>
<summary>Raises the <see cref="E:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureNoiseSuppressEffect.Disposing" /> event when called from within a derived class.</summary>
<param name="i1">Invoking object reference; should be this object.</param>
<param name="i2">Arguments to pass to the event handler.</param>
<summary>Represents a Microsoft® DirectSound® effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object that supports chorus.</summary>
<summary>Occurs when the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.ChorusEffect.Dispose" /> method is called or when the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.ChorusEffect" /> object is finalized and collected by the garbage collector of the Microsoft® .NETcommon language runtime.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the value of 180 degrees of phase differential for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsChorus.Phase" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the value of 90 degrees of phase differential for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsChorus.Phase" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the value of negative 180 degrees of phase differential for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsChorus.Phase" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the value of negative 90 degrees of phase differential for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsChorus.Phase" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.ChorusEffect" /> class. This method supports the .NET Framework Infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.</summary>
<param name="lp">Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundFXChorus8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.ChorusEffect" /> class. Not supported.</param>
<param name="source">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> that is using this effect.</param>
<summary>Allows the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.ChorusEffect" /> object to free resources before it is destroyed by the garbage collector.</summary>
<summary>This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<param name="objId">Object identifier.</param>
<returns>Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundFXChorus8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.ChorusEffect" /> class. Not supported.</returns>
<summary>Represents a Microsoft® DirectSound® effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object that supports compression.</summary>
<summary>Occurs when the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CompressorEffect.Dispose" /> method is called or when the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CompressorEffect" /> object is finalized and collected by the garbage collector of the Microsoft® .NETcommon language runtime.</summary>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CompressorEffect" /> class. This method supports the .NET Framework Infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.</summary>
<param name="lp">Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundFXCompressor8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CompressorEffect" /> class. Not supported.</param>
<param name="source">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> that is using this effect.</param>
<summary>Allows the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CompressorEffect" /> object to free resources before it is destroyed by the garbage collector.</summary>
<summary>This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<param name="objId">Object identifier.</param>
<returns>Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundFXCompressor8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CompressorEffect" /> class. Not supported.</returns>
<summary>The buffer control (volume, pan, and so on) requested by the caller is not available. Controls must be specified when the buffer is created.</summary>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.ControlUnavailableException" /> class.</summary>
<param name="info">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo" /> object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.</param>
<param name="context">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext" /> object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.</param>
<summary>Occurs when the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Device.Dispose" /> method is called or when the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Device" /> object is finalized and collected by the garbage collector of the Microsoft® .NETcommon language runtime.</summary>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Device" /> class.</summary>
<param name="lp">Pointer to the unmanaged interface, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Device" /> class. Not supported.</param>
<summary>Allows the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Device" /> object to free resources before it is destroyed by the garbage collector.</summary>
<summary>This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<param name="objId">Object identifier.</param>
<returns>Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSound8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Device" /> class. Not supported.</returns>
<summary>Sets the cooperative level of the application for this sound device.</summary>
<param name="owner">The <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.Control" /> of the application that is using the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Device" /> object.</param>
<param name="level">The requested cooperative level. Specify one of the values shown in the following table</param>
<summary>Represents a collection of <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.DeviceInformation" /> structures for each available sound device.</summary>
<summary>Advances to the next <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.DeviceInformation" /> structure in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.DevicesCollection" /> object.</summary>
<returns>Indicates if <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.DevicesCollection" /> successfully advanced to the next <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.DeviceInformation" /> structure.</returns>
<summary>Gets the number of <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.DeviceInformation" /> structures in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.DevicesCollection" /> object.</summary>
<summary>Retrives the element at the current position of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.DevicesCollection" /> object's enumeration.</summary>
<summary>Represents a Microsoft® DirectSound® effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object that supports distortion.</summary>
<summary>Occurs when the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.DistortionEffect.Dispose" /> method is called or when the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.DistortionEffect" /> object is finalized and collected by the garbage collector of the Microsoft® .NETcommon language runtime.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the maximum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsDistortion.PostEqCenterFrequency" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the minimum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsDistortion.PostEqCenterFrequency" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.DistortionEffect" /> class. This method supports the .NET Framework Infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.</summary>
<param name="lp">Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundFXDistortion8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.DistortionEffect" /> class. Not supported.</param>
<param name="source">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> that is using this effect.</param>
<summary>Allows the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.DistortionEffect" /> object to free resources before it is destroyed by the garbage collector.</summary>
<summary>This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<param name="objId">Object identifier.</param>
<returns>Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundFXDistortion8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.DistortionEffect" /> class. Not supported.</returns>
<summary>Retrieves the default distance factor used by the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Listener3D.DistanceFactor" /> and <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Listener3DSettings.DistanceFactor" /> properties, in meters.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the default ratio of Doppler effect to that in the real world used by the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Listener3D.DopplerFactor" /> and <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Listener3DSettings.DopplerFactor" /> properties, in meters.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the default maximum distance used by the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer3D.MaxDistance" /> and <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer3DSettings.MaxDistance" /> properties, in meters.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the default minimum distance used by the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer3D.MinDistance" /> and <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer3DSettings.MinDistance" /> properties, in meters.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the default ratio of attenuation over distance to that in the real world used by the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Listener3D.RolloffFactor" /> and <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Listener3DSettings.RolloffFactor" /> properties, in meters.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the default 3-D algorithm used by the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferDescription.Guid3DAlgorithm" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the high quality 3-D algorithm used by the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferDescription.Guid3DAlgorithm" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the efficient 3-D algorithm used by the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferDescription.Guid3DAlgorithm" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the 3-D algorithm used by the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferDescription.Guid3DAlgorithm" /> property that is mapped onto normal left and right stereo panning.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the maximum distance factor used by the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Listener3D.DistanceFactor" /> and <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Listener3DSettings.DistanceFactor" /> properties, in meters.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the maximum ratio of Doppler effect to that in the real world used by the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Listener3D.DopplerFactor" /> and <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Listener3DSettings.DopplerFactor" /> properties, in meters.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the maximum ratio of attenuation over distance to that in the real world used by the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Listener3D.RolloffFactor" /> and <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Listener3DSettings.RolloffFactor" /> properties, in meters.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the minimum distance factor used by the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Listener3D.DistanceFactor" /> and <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Listener3DSettings.DistanceFactor" /> properties, in meters.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the minimum ratio of Doppler effect to that in the real world used by the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Listener3D.DopplerFactor" /> and <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Listener3DSettings.DopplerFactor" /> properties, in meters.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the minimum ratio of attenuation over distance to that in the real world used by the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Listener3D.RolloffFactor" /> and <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Listener3DSettings.RolloffFactor" /> properties, in meters.</summary>
<summary>Represents a Microsoft® DirectSound® effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object that supports echo.</summary>
<summary>Occurs when the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EchoEffect.Dispose" /> method is called or when the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EchoEffect" /> object is finalized and collected by the garbage collector of the Microsoft® .NETcommon language runtime.</summary>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EchoEffect" /> class. This method supports the .NET Framework Infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.</summary>
<param name="lp">Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundFXEcho8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EchoEffect" /> class. Not supported.</param>
<param name="source">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> that is using this effect.</param>
<summary>Allows the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EchoEffect" /> object to free resources before it is destroyed by the garbage collector.</summary>
<summary>This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<param name="objId">Object identifier.</param>
<returns>Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundFXEcho8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EchoEffect" /> class. Not supported.</returns>
<summary>The effects requested could not be found on the system, or they are in the wrong order or in the wrong location; for example, an effect expected in hardware was found in software.</summary>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsUnavailableException" /> class.</summary>
<param name="info">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo" /> object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.</param>
<param name="context">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext" /> object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.</param>
<summary>Represents a Microsoft® DirectSound® effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object that supports flange.</summary>
<summary>Occurs when the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.FlangerEffect.Dispose" /> method is called or when the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.FlangerEffect" /> object is finalized and collected by the garbage collector of the Microsoft® .NETcommon language runtime.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the value of 180 degrees of phase differential for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsFlanger.Phase" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the value of 90 degrees of phase differential for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsFlanger.Phase" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the value of negative 180 degrees of phase differential for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsFlanger.Phase" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the value of negative 90 degrees of phase differential for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsFlanger.Phase" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the value of zero degrees of phase differential for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsFlanger.Phase" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the value for a triangle waveform for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsFlanger.Waveform" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.FlangerEffect" /> class. This method supports the .NET Framework Infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.</summary>
<param name="lp">Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundFXFlanger8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.FlangerEffect" /> class. Not supported.</param>
<param name="source">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> that is using this effect.</param>
<summary>Allows the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.FlangerEffect" /> object to free resources before it is destroyed by the garbage collector.</summary>
<summary>This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<param name="objId">Object identifier.</param>
<returns>Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundFXFlanger8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.FlangerEffect" /> class. Not supported.</returns>
<summary>Occurs when the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.FullDuplex.Dispose" /> method is called or when the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.FullDuplex" /> object is finalized and collected by the garbage collector of the Microsoft® .NETcommon language runtime.</summary>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.FullDuplex.#ctor" /> class.</summary>
<param name="captureDesc">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBufferDescription" /> that specifies the characteristics of the capture buffer.</param>
<param name="bufferDesc">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferDescription" /> that specifies the characteristics of the render buffer.</param>
<param name="owner">The <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.Control" /> that is the application window.</param>
<param name="level">Cooperative level for the device.</param>
<param name="captureBuffer">A reference to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBuffer" /> object that is used for capturing audio data.</param>
<param name="buffer">A reference to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object that is used for rendering audio data.</param>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.FullDuplex.#ctor" /> class.</summary>
<param name="guidCapture">The globally unique identifier (GUID) of the capture device driver.</param>
<param name="guidRender">The globally unique identifier (GUID) of the render device driver.</param>
<param name="captureDesc">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBufferDescription" /> that specifies the characteristics of the capture buffer.</param>
<param name="bufferDesc">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferDescription" /> that specifies the characteristics of the render buffer.</param>
<param name="owner">The <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.Control" /> that is the application window.</param>
<param name="level">Cooperative level for the device.</param>
<param name="captureBuffer">A reference to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBuffer" /> object that is used for capturing audio data.</param>
<param name="buffer">A reference to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object that is used for rendering audio data.</param>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.FullDuplex.#ctor" /> class.</summary>
<param name="captureDesc">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBufferDescription" /> that specifies the characteristics of the capture buffer.</param>
<param name="bufferDesc">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferDescription" /> that specifies the characteristics of the render buffer.</param>
<param name="owner">The handle of the application window.</param>
<param name="level">Cooperative level for the device.</param>
<param name="captureBuffer">A reference to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBuffer" /> object that is used for capturing audio data.</param>
<param name="buffer">A reference to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object that is used for rendering audio data.</param>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.FullDuplex.#ctor" /> class.</summary>
<param name="guidCapture">The globally unique identifier (GUID) of the capture device driver.</param>
<param name="guidRender">The globally unique identifier (GUID) of the render device driver.</param>
<param name="captureDesc">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBufferDescription" /> that specifies the characteristics of the capture buffer.</param>
<param name="bufferDesc">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferDescription" /> that specifies the characteristics of the render buffer.</param>
<param name="owner">The handle of the application window.</param>
<param name="level">Cooperative level for the device.</param>
<param name="captureBuffer">A reference to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBuffer" /> object that is used for capturing audio data.</param>
<param name="buffer">A reference to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object that is used for rendering audio data.</param>
<summary>Allows the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.FullDuplex" /> object to free resources before it is destroyed by the garbage collector.</summary>
<summary>Represents a Microsoft® DirectSound® effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object that supports amplitude modulation.</summary>
<summary>Occurs when the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.GargleEffect.Dispose" /> method is called or when the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.GargleEffect" /> object is finalized and collected by the garbage collector of the Microsoft® .NETcommon language runtime.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the value for a square modulation waveform for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsGargle.WaveShape" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the value for a triangle modulation waveform for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsGargle.WaveShape" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.GargleEffect" /> class. This method supports the .NET Framework Infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.</summary>
<param name="lp">Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundFXGargle8 Interface, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.GargleEffect" /> class. Not supported.</param>
<param name="source">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> that is using this effect.</param>
<summary>Allows the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.GargleEffect" /> object to free resources before it is destroyed by the garbage collector.</summary>
<summary>This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<param name="objId">Object identifier.</param>
<returns>Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundFXGargle8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.GargleEffect" /> class. Not supported.</returns>
<summary>Represents a Microsoft® DirectSound® effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object that supports Interactive 3-D Audio Level 2 (I3DL2) reverberation effects.</summary>
<summary>Occurs when the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Interactive3DLevel2ReverbEffect.Dispose" /> method is called or when the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Interactive3DLevel2ReverbEffect" /> object is finalized and collected by the garbage collector of the Microsoft® .NETcommon language runtime.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the default value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.DecayHfRatio" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the maximum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.DecayHfRatio" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the minimum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.DecayHfRatio" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the default value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.DecayTime" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the maximum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.DecayTime" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the minimum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.DecayTime" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the default value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.Density" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the maximum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.Density" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the minimum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.Density" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the default value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.Diffusion" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the maximum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.Diffusion" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the minimum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.Diffusion" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the default value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.HfReference" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the maximum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.HfReference" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the minimum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.HfReference" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the default value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Interactive3DLevel2ReverbEffect.Quality" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the maximum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Interactive3DLevel2ReverbEffect.Quality" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the minimum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Interactive3DLevel2ReverbEffect.Quality" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the default value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.Reflections" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the default value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.ReflectionsDelay" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the maximum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.ReflectionsDelay" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the minimum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.ReflectionsDelay" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the maximum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.Reflections" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the minimum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.Reflections" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the default value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.Reverb" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the default value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.ReverbDelay" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the maximum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.ReverbDelay" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the minimum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.ReverbDelay" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the maximum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.Reverb" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the minimum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.Reverb" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the default value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.RoomHf" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the maximum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.RoomHf" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the minimum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.RoomHf" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the default value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.RoomRolloffFactor" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the maximum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.RoomRolloffFactor" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the minimum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.RoomRolloffFactor" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Interactive3DLevel2ReverbEffect" /> class. This method supports the .NET Framework Infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.</summary>
<param name="lp">Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundFXI3DL2Reverb8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Interactive3DLevel2ReverbEffect" /> class. Not supported.</param>
<param name="source">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> that is using this effect.</param>
<summary>Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Interactive3DLevel2ReverbEffect" /> object.</summary>
<summary>Allows the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Interactive3DLevel2ReverbEffect" /> object to free resources before it is destroyed by the garbage collector.</summary>
<summary>This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<param name="objId">Object identifier.</param>
<returns>Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundFXI3DL2Reverb8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Interactive3DLevel2ReverbEffect" /> class. Not supported.</returns>
<summary>Compares the current instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are the same.</summary>
<param name="left">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Interactive3DLevel2ReverbEffect" /> object to the left of the equality operator.</param>
<param name="right">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Interactive3DLevel2ReverbEffect" /> object to the right of the equality operator.</param>
<returns>Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.</returns>
<summary>Compares the current instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are different.</summary>
<param name="left">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Interactive3DLevel2ReverbEffect" /> object to the left of the equality operator.</param>
<param name="right">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Interactive3DLevel2ReverbEffect" /> object to the right of the equality operator.</param>
<returns>Returns true if the objects are different; otherwise, false.</returns>
<summary>Raises the <see cref="E:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Interactive3DLevel2ReverbEffect.Disposing" /> event when called from within a derived class.</summary>
<param name="i1">Invoking object reference; should be this object.</param>
<param name="i2">Arguments to pass to the event handler.</param>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.InvalidCallException" /> class.</summary>
<param name="info">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo" /> object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.</param>
<param name="context">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext" /> object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.</param>
<summary>Occurs when the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Listener3D.Dispose" /> method is called or when the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Listener3D" /> object is finalized and collected by the garbage collector of the Microsoft® .NETcommon language runtime.</summary>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the object. This method supports the .NET Framework Infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.</summary>
<param name="lp">Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundFXWavesReverb8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Listener3D" /> class. Not supported.</param>
<param name="buff">A <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object that acts as the sound source for the listener.</param>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the object. This method supports the .NET Framework Infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.</summary>
<param name="lp">Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundFXWavesReverb8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Listener3D" /> class. Not supported.</param>
<param name="buff">A <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer" /> object that acts as the sound source for the listener.</param>
<summary>Allows the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Listener3D" /> object to free resources before it is destroyed by the garbage collector.</summary>
<summary>This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<param name="objId">Object identifier.</param>
<returns>Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSound3DListener8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Listener3D" /> class. Not supported.</returns>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.NoAggregationException" /> class.</summary>
<param name="info">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo" /> object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.</param>
<param name="context">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext" /> object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.</param>
<summary>No sound driver is available for use, or the given globally unique identifier (GUID) is not a valid Microsoft® DirectSound® device ID.</summary>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.NoDriverException" /> class.</summary>
<param name="info">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo" /> object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.</param>
<param name="context">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext" /> object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.</param>
<summary>Occurs when the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Notify.Dispose" /> method is called or when the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Notify" /> object is finalized and collected by the garbage collector of the Microsoft® .NETcommon language runtime.</summary>
<summary>Allows the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Notify" /> object to free resources before it is destroyed by the garbage collector.</summary>
<summary>This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<param name="objId">Object identifier.</param>
<returns>Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundNotify8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Notify" /> class. Not supported.</returns>
<summary>Sets the notification positions for triggering events during capture or playback.</summary>
<param name="notify">An array of <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferPositionNotify" /> structures that describe the notification positions.</param>
<param name="numNotificationPositions">Length of <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Notify.SetNotificationPositions" />.</param>
<summary>Sets the notification positions for triggering events during capture or playback.</summary>
<param name="notify">An array of <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferPositionNotify" /> structures that describe the notification positions.</param>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.ObjectNotFoundException" /> class.</summary>
<param name="info">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo" /> object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.</param>
<param name="context">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext" /> object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.</param>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.OtherApplicationHasPriorityException" /> class.</summary>
<param name="info">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo" /> object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.</param>
<param name="context">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext" /> object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.</param>
<summary>Represents a Microsoft® DirectSound® effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object that supports parametric equalizer effects.</summary>
<summary>Occurs when the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.ParamEqEffect.Dispose" /> method is called or when the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.ParamEqEffect" /> object is finalized and collected by the garbage collector of the Microsoft® .NETcommon language runtime.</summary>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.ParamEqEffect" /> class. This method supports the .NET Framework Infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.</summary>
<param name="lp">Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundFXParamEq8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.ParamEqEffect" /> class. Not supported.</param>
<param name="source">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> that is using this effect.</param>
<summary>Allows the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.ParamEqEffect" /> object to free resources before it is destroyed by the garbage collector.</summary>
<summary>This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<param name="objId">Object identifier.</param>
<returns>Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundFXParamEq8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.ParamEqEffect" /> class. Not supported.</returns>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.PriorityLevelNeededException" /> class.</summary>
<param name="info">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo" /> object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.</param>
<param name="context">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext" /> object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.</param>
<summary>Occurs when the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer.Dispose" /> method is called or when the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object is finalized and collected by the garbage collector of the Microsoft® .NETcommon language runtime.</summary>
<summary>Allocates resources for a <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object that was created with the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferDescription.DeferLocation" /> flag set in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferDescription" />.</summary>
<param name="flags">Specifies how resources are to be allocated for the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object. For a list of values, see the voice management and voice allocation flags in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferPlayFlags" /> enumeration.</param>
<param name="effectsCount">Number of Microsoft® DirectSound® effect objects in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> set by the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer.SetEffects(Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectDescription[])" /> method.</param>
<returns>An array that contains one element for each of the Microsoft® DirectSound® effect objects that was assigned to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object by the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer.SetEffects(Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectDescription[])" /> method. One of the following values is returned for each Microsoft® DirectSound® effect object.</returns>
<summary>Allows the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object to free resources before it is destroyed by the garbage collector.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves a range of Microsoft® DirectSound® effect objects from a <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object.</summary>
<param name="startIndex">Starting index of the range of Microsoft® DirectSound® effect objects to retrieve from the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object.</param>
<param name="count">The number of Microsoft® DirectSound® effect objects to retrieve from the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object.</param>
<returns>An array of Microsoft® DirectSound® effect objects, such as <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EchoEffect" />, from the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object.</returns>
<summary>Retrieves a Microsoft® DirectSound® effect object at a particular index from a <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object.</summary>
<param name="index">Index of Microsoft® DirectSound® effect object to retrieve from the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object.</param>
<returns>A Microsoft® DirectSound® effect object, such as <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EchoEffect" />, from the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object.</returns>
<summary>This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<param name="objId">Object identifier.</param>
<returns>Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundBuffer8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> class. Not supported.</returns>
<summary>Retrieves a Microsoft® DirectSound® effect object at a particular index from a <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object.</summary>
<param name="guidObject">Unique class identifier of the object being searched for, such as <see cref="F:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.DSoundHelper.StandardEchoGuid" />.</param>
<param name="index">Index of Microsoft® DirectSound® effect object to retrieve from the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object.</param>
<param name="guidInterface">Unique identifier of the desired interface, such as <see cref="F:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.DSoundHelper.InterfaceEffectsEcho" /></param>
<returns>A Microsoft® DirectSound® effect object, such as <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EchoEffect" />, from the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object you are searching.</returns>
<summary>Enables effects on a <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object.</summary>
<param name="dsEff">An Array of <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectDescription" /> structures that contains descriptions of the effects to set in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object.</param>
<returns>An array that contains one element for each of the Microsoft® DirectSound® effect objects that was assigned to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object. One of the following values is returned for each Microsoft® DirectSound® effect object.</returns>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SendLoopException" /> class.</summary>
<param name="info">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo" /> object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.</param>
<param name="context">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext" /> object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.</param>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SoundException" /> class.</summary>
<param name="info">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo" /> object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.</param>
<param name="context">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext" /> object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.</param>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.UnsupportedException" /> class.</summary>
<param name="info">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo" /> object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.</param>
<param name="context">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext" /> object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.</param>
<summary>Represents a Microsoft® DirectSound® effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object that supports Waves reverberation.</summary>
<summary>Occurs when the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.WavesReverbEffect.Dispose" /> method is called or when the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.WavesReverbEffect" /> object is finalized and collected by the garbage collector of the Microsoft® .NETcommon language runtime.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the default value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsWavesReverb.HighFrequencyRtRatio" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the maximum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsWavesReverb.HighFrequencyRtRatio" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the minimum value for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsWavesReverb.HighFrequencyRtRatio" /> property.</summary>
<summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.WavesReverbEffect" /> class. This method supports the .NET Framework Infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.</summary>
<param name="lp">Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundFXWavesReverb8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.WavesReverbEffect" />. Not supported.</param>
<param name="source">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> that is using this effect.</param>
<summary>Allows the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.WavesReverbEffect" /> object to free resources before it is destroyed by the garbage collector.</summary>
<summary>This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<param name="objId">Object identifier.</param>
<returns>Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundFXWavesReverb8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.WavesReverbEffect" /> class. Not supported.</returns>
<summary>Raises the <see cref="E:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.WavesReverbEffect.Disposing" /> event when called from within a derived class.</summary>
<param name="i1">Invoking object reference; should be this object.</param>
<param name="i2">Arguments to pass to the event handler.</param>
<summary>The buffer has sticky focus. If the user switches to another application not using Microsoft® DirectSound®, the application's normal buffers are muted, but sticky focus buffers are still audible.</summary>
<summary>No error occurs if such memory is not available. This flag has no effect on cards using the Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) bus. Cannot be combined with <see cref="F:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferDescriptionFlags.ControlEffects" />.</summary>
<summary>The buffer is a primary buffer. Cannot be combined with <see cref="F:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferDescriptionFlags.ControlEffects" />.</summary>
<summary>The buffer is a global sound buffer. With this flag set, an application using Microsoft® DirectSound® can continue to play its buffers if the user switches focus to another application, even if the new application uses Microsoft® DirectSound®.</summary>
<summary>The buffer has pan control capability. Cannot be combined with <see cref="F:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferDescriptionFlags.Control3D" />.</summary>
<summary>The buffer has 3-D control capability. Cannot be combined with <see cref="F:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferDescriptionFlags.ControlPan" />, and cannot be set for a buffer with a stereo format in <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.WaveFormat" />.</summary>
<summary>The buffer can be assigned to a hardware or software resource at play time. This flag must be set for buffers that use voice management.</summary>
<summary>If the hardware has no available voices, a currently playing buffer will be stopped to make room for the new buffer. The buffer prematurely terminated will be the one with the lowest priority as set by the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer.Play(System.Int32,Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferPlayFlags)" /> parameter <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer.Play(System.Int32,Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferPlayFlags)" /> method for the buffer.</summary>
<summary>If the hardware has no available voices, a currently playing buffer will be stopped to make room for the new buffer. The buffer prematurely terminated will be selected from buffers that have the buffer's <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferDescription.Mute3DAtMaximumDistance" /> property set to true and are beyond their maximum distance. If there are no such buffers, the method fails.</summary>
<summary>If the hardware has no available voices, a currently playing nonlooping buffer will be stopped to make room for the new buffer. The buffer prematurely terminated is the one with the least time left to play.</summary>
<summary>Play this voice in a software buffer only. This flag cannot be combined with <see cref="F:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferPlayFlags.LocateInHardware" /> or any voice management flag.</summary>
<summary>Play this voice in a hardware buffer only. If the hardware has no available voices and no voice management flags are set, the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer.Play(System.Int32,Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferPlayFlags)" /> method fails. This flag cannot be combined with <see cref="F:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferPlayFlags.LocateInSoftware" />.</summary>
<summary>After the end of the audio buffer is reached, play restarts at the beginning of the buffer. Play continues until explicitly stopped. This flag must be set when playing a primary buffer.</summary>
<summary>Sets the normal level. This level has the smoothest multitasking and resource-sharing behavior, but because it does not allow the primary buffer format to change, output is restricted to the default 8-bit format.</summary>
<summary>Sets the priority level. Applications with this cooperative level can have buffers that use the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer.Format" /> property and devices that call the <see cref="M:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Device.Compact" /> method.</summary>
<summary>Sets the write-primary level. The application has write access to the primary buffer. No secondary buffers can be played. This level cannot be set if the DirectSound driver is being emulated for the device; that is, if the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Device.Caps" /> property returns the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Caps.EmulateDriver" /> flag in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Caps" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Containts constants for reverberation presets for an <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Interactive3DLevel2ReverbEffect" /> object.</summary>
<summary>Contains constants that describe the status of an effect object returned from a <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object.</summary>
<summary>Effect is available but was not created because one of the other effects requested could not be created. If any of the effects requested cannot be created, none of them are, and the call fails.</summary>
<summary>Effect has not yet been assigned to hardware or software. This value is returned if the buffer was created with the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferDescription.DeferLocation" /> flag set to true.</summary>
<summary>Contains constants that describe the success of the effect in canceling the echo using a <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureAcousticEchoCancellationEffect" /> object.</summary>
<summary>The Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) algorithm lost convergence. The convergence history remains in this state until the algorithm is reset or timely data is no longer arriving on the capture or render stream.</summary>
<summary>Sound parameters (position, velocity, and orientation) are relative to the listener's parameters. In this mode, the absolute parameters of the sound are updated automatically as the listener's parameters change so that the relative parameters remain constant.</summary>
<summary>Contains constants that describe the mode of a <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureAcousticEchoCancellationEffect" /> object.</summary>
<summary>Conains properties that describe all the information necessary to uniquely describe the location, orientation, and motion of a 3-D sound buffer.</summary>
<summary>Contains properties that describe the capabilities of a <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer" /> object or a <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> object.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves whether the buffer must use software memory and use software mixing, even if <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferDescription.StaticBuffer" /> is specified and hardware resources are available.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the rate, in kilobytes per second, at which data is transferred to the buffer memory when reading and writing to a buffer.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the offset from the beginning of the buffer where the notify event is to be triggered, or <see cref="F:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferPositionNotify.Offset.PositionNotifyFlag.OffsetStop" />.</summary>
<summary>Contains properties that describe the capabilities of a Microsoft® DirectSound®<see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Device" /> object.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves whether the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Device" /> object supports all sample rates between the <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Caps.MinSecondarySampleRate" /> and <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Caps.MaxSecondarySampleRate" /> values.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves whether the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Device" /> object does not have a Microsoft® DirectSound® driver installed.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the maximum sample rate specifications that are supported by this <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Device" /> object's hardware <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> objects.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves the maximum sample rate specifications that are supported by this <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Device" /> object's hardware <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer" /> objects.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets an array of <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureEffectDescription" /> structures that describe capture effects supported by the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBuffer" /> object.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets whether the effect is enabled in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureEffectsNoiseSuppress" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the number of milliseconds the input is delayed before it is played back, in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsChorus" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the percentage by which the delay time is modulated by the low-frequency oscillator, in hundredths of a percentage point, in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsChorus" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the percentage of output signal to feed back into the effect's input, in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsChorus" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the phase differential between left and right LFOs, in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsChorus" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the ratio of wet (processed) signal to dry (unprocessed) signal, in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsChorus" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the time before compression reaches its full value, in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsCompressor" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the output gain of signal after compression, in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsCompressor" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the time after Threshold is reached before attack phase is started, in milliseconds, in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsCompressor" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the speed at which compression is stopped after input drops below Threshold, in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsCompressor" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the point at which compression begins, in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsCompressor" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the percentage of distortion intensity, in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsDistortion" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the amount of signal change after distortion, in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsDistortion" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the width of frequency band that determines range of harmonic content addition, in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsDistortion" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the center frequency of harmonic content addition, in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsDistortion" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the filter cutoff for high-frequency harmonics attenuation, in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsDistortion" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the percentage of output fed back into input, in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsEcho" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the delay for left channel, in milliseconds, in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsEcho" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the value that specifies whether to swap left and right delays with each successive echo, in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsEcho" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the delay for right channel, in milliseconds, in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsEcho" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the ratio of wet (processed) signal to dry (unprocessed) signal in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsEcho" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the number of milliseconds the input is delayed before it is played back in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsFlanger" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the percentage by which the delay time is modulated by the low-frequency oscillator (LFO), in hundredths of a percentage point in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsFlanger" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the percentage of output signal to feed back into the effect's input in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsFlanger" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the phase differential between left and right LFOs in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsFlanger" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the ratio of wet (processed) signal to dry (unprocessed) signal of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsFlanger" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the shape of the modulation waveform of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsGargle" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the ratio of the decay time at high frequencies to the decay time at low frequencies, of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the decay time, in seconds, of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the modal density in the late reverberation decay, in percent, of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the echo density in the late reverberation decay, in percent, of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the reference high frequency, in hertz, of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the attenuation of early reflections relative to <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.Room" />, in mB, of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the delay time of the first reflection relative to the direct path, in seconds, of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the attenuation of late reverberation relative to <see cref="P:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb.Room" />, in mB, of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the time limit between the early reflections and the late reverberation relative to the time of the first reflection, in seconds, of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the attenuation of the room effect, in millibels (mB), of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the attenuation of the room high-frequency effect, in mB, of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the rolloff factor for the reflected signals of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the high-frequency reverb time ratio of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsWavesReverb" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the input gain of signal, in decibels (dB), of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsWavesReverb" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the reverb mix, in decibels (dB), of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsWavesReverb" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Retrieves and sets the reverb time, in milliseconds, of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.EffectsWavesReverb" /> structure.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
<summary>Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft® DirectX®application programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>